One, Introduction
Baidu Baike, also known as Baidu Encyclopedia, is a Chinese-language online encyclopedia operated by Baidu, the largest search engine in China. It was launched in 2006 and has since become one of the most popular sources of knowledge for Chinese netizens. In recent years, Baidu has been expanding its global presence, and as a part of this effort, it launched an English version of Baidu Baike in 2015. However, the English version has not been as successful as the Chinese version, and there has been a lot of debate about whether Baidu should continue to allow users to edit the English version.
Two, Advantages of Allowing Editing
One of the main advantages of allowing editing is that it can help to improve the quality of the content on the English version of Baidu Baike. Many of the articles on the English version are poorly written, and there are often errors in grammar and spelling. Allowing users to edit the content can help to correct these errors and improve the overall quality of the articles. Additionally, allowing editing can help to increase the amount of content on the English version of Baidu Baike. Currently, there are only a few thousand articles on the English version, compared to over 16 million articles on the Chinese version. Allowing users to edit the content can help to increase the number of articles and make the English version a more comprehensive source of knowledge.
Three, Disadvantages of Allowing Editing
One of the main disadvantages of allowing editing is that it can lead to the spread of misinformation. There is a risk that users may intentionally or unintentionally add false information to the articles, which could then be propagated to other users. This could damage the credibility of the English version of Baidu Baike, and make it less useful as a source of knowledge. Additionally, allowing editing could lead to conflicts between users over the content of the articles. Users may have different opinions about what should be included in the articles, and this could lead to disputes that could be difficult to resolve.
Four, Conclusion
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to allowing users to edit the English version of Baidu Baike. While allowing editing can help to improve the quality and quantity of the content, it also carries the risk of spreading misinformation and causing conflicts between users. Ultimately, whether Baidu should continue to allow editing will depend on its goals for the English version of Baidu Baike. If Baidu wants to make the English version a comprehensive and reliable source of knowledge, then it may be necessary to allow editing. However, if Baidu is primarily interested in using the English version as a marketing tool to promote its brand, then it may be better to limit editing and focus on producing high-quality content in-house.
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